A Beginner’s Explanation of Tarot Suits

A Beginner’s Explanation of Tarot Suits

Have you ever sought out the truth of your subconscious mind through the use of Tarot cards? And, after following a guide of where to put the cards you draw – have you been confused by the meaning of what the cards represent? You aren’t alone, for many years that was my experience with Tarot cards. I would feel confused by the messages the selected cards were trying to tell me. I wanted to understand what they meant, but any sources I found were intended for readers far more advanced than I.

In this issue of “The Obscure” I break down what Tarot cards represent and mean. First, you’ll find information about the Major Arcana, followed by each of the suits involved in the Minor Arcana. Every card has an in-depth meaning based on what direction they’re facing, what element they are tied to, and the astrological signs that correlate with them. I make sure to go over each of these in a deep-dive style of information, while also maintaining an ease and simplicity in decoding what your Tarot reading is telling you.


The Meanings Of The Major Arcana Tarot Cards

In the realm of Tarot, the Major Arcana cards represent the influences of karma and the lessons life deals to you. The big archetype of these two themes is what influences your life. The meanings behind the Major Arcana cards are deep and complex. These Tarot cards represent the structure of the human consciousness and help you understand how to approach life’s lessons that humans have faced for ages.

The Major Arcana Cards (also identified as the “Trump Cards”) are made up of twenty-one numbered cards and one unnumbered card (identified as “The Fool”).

The Fool is the main character of the Major Arcana and makes its journey through each of the other cards. The Fool learns new life lessons through its journey while meeting new teachers. Eventually, the Fool completes its journey with the “World” card. This is what’s commonly discussed as “The Fool’s Journey” and helps those reading Tarot cards to understand the story-line of the Major Arcana cards’ meanings.

What Does A Major Arcana Card Mean In A Tarot Reading?

When reading Tarot cards, if you identify a card of the Major Arcana, it means you should reflect on what life lessons and themes you are experiencing at this time. Major Arcana cards will often set the mood for all cards in the Tarot reading, meaning all other cards will relate back to the core meaning of that Major Arcana’s meaning.

What Does It Mean When A Tarot Reading Is Mostly Major Arcana Tarot Cards?

If a Tarot reading is predominantly made up of cards from the Major Arcana, that means you are experiencing events that are life-changing and will likely have long-term effects. There will be important lessons you should pay close attention to so as to progress further in your personal and spiritual quest.

If a Tarot reading is predominately made up of reversed cards from the Major Arcana, it may be a sign that you are not paying enough attention to these important life lessons. You will first need to master the lesson before you will be able to move forward.


CUPS: The Meanings Of The Suit Of Cups

The Suit of Cups in Tarot Cards deals with the level of consciousness in which emotions reside. They are often associated with feelings, connections, love, and relationships.

This suit is also associated with the element of water. Water is much like emotions. Both are agile and fluid, but also very powerful and formative. Both water and emotions can be gentle and soft, or powerful and forceful. The element of water symbolizes feelings, fluidity, intuition, emotions, healing, cleansing, and relationships.

It’s a feminine element that reflects the subtle power that resides within women. In a deck of playing cards, the Suit of Cups corresponds to the Suit of Hearts.

What Do The Cups Tarot Cards Mean In A Reading?

When reading Tarot cards, if you identify a card of the Suit of Cups, it indicates you are thinking more with your heart than your brain. This can be reflected in your spontaneous responses and your habitual reactions to the situations you experience.

The Suit of Cups is also linked to fantasy, imagination, creativity, and romanticism. Some negative aspects of the Suit of Cups is often being overly emotional or completely dispassionate and disengaged. This could be because of repressed emotions, or feeling as though you are unable to truly express yourself and a lack of creativity. You find yourself having unrealistic expectations and fantasizing about what could be.

It is common in Tarot for the suit of Cups to represent the astrological signs of water– pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer. In Tarot readings, when you see a Cups Court card, its meaning will often relate to a person who is of a water astrological sign. Generally, the Suit of Cups finds people who are artistic, emotional, creative, and humane. They are connected to their emotional self and draw their energy from what they feel within.

What Does It Mean When A Tarot Reading Is Mostly Cups Tarot Cards?

If a Tarot reading is predominantly made up of the suit of Cups, that means you are seeking solutions to what are primarily emotional conflicts, feelings, love matters, creativity, and personal interactions.

SWORDS: The Meanings Of The Suit Of Swords

The Suit of Swords in Tarot Cards deals with the level of consciousness that the mind and intellect reside in. They often mirror your quality of mind present within your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes.

Swords are often double-edged, and the suit of Swords symbolizes the fine balance between power and intellect, as well as how these two elements can be used for good and evil. The suit of Swords must be balanced by both spirit (the suit of Wands) and feeling (the suit of Cups) to have the most positive effect.

This suit is also associated with the element of Air. Air is much like one’s mind. Both are constantly moving. Both air and the mind can be still and mostly unheard, or can become a fierce wind that is unable to be ignored. Air is powerful and cleansing. The element of air relates to power, action, change, and action. It’s a masculine energy that can lead while remaining unseen. In a deck of playing cards, the suit of Swords corresponds to the suit of Spades.

What Do The Swords Tarot Cards Mean In A Reading?

When reading Tarot cards, if you identify a card of the suit of Swords, its meaning will be associated with change, actions, power, force, courage, conflict, and ambition. Action can be considered both constructive and destructive. Some negative aspects of the Suit of Swords include guilt, anger, a lack of compassion, and anger. Overall, the suit of Swords is more aggressive in nature.

It is common in Tarot for the suit of Swords to represent the astrological signs of air– Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini. In Tarot readings, when you see a Swords Court card, its meaning will often relate to a person who is of an air astrological sign. Generally, the suit of Swords finds people who are thoughtful, intelligent, logical, rational, and excellent communicators. They are typically more rational and follow their mind more than their heart. They like to experience the world around them by analyzing what happens around them to understand the situation better.

While these traits are beneficial to those the Suit of Swords seeks out, they can also be confrontational, ruthless, and rigid.

What Does It Mean When A Tarot Reading Is Mostly Swords Tarot Cards?

If a Tarot reading is predominantly made up of the suit of Swords, that means you are seeking solutions to what are primarily mental struggles, arguments, conflicts, and decisions you must make. With many of the meanings for the Suit of Swords being strong, negative, and forceful messages, the Suit of Swords also serves to be a warning that you should be more cautious with what is happening around you.

PENTACLES: The Meanings Of The Suit Of Pentacles

The Suit of Pentacles in Tarot Cards deals with the external level of consciousness and, therefore, mirrors the outside situations of your existence. They often mirror your quality of work, health, creativity, and finances. The suit of Pentacles has to do with what you make of the situations around you, and how it’s created, grown, shaped, and transformed.

The suit of Pentacles is associated with one’s self-esteem and self-image, as well as your ego. This suit is also associated with the element of Earth. Earth is similar in existence to how you interact with the world around you. Both are a tangible thing. Both Earth and the way you interact with the world are shaped by time. Earth is stable, supportive, and grounded. The element of earth is very receptive. It’s a feminine energy that takes in situations and allows you to grow as a result of your experience. In a deck of playing cards, the suit of Pentacles corresponds to the suit of Diamonds.

What Do The Pentacles Tarot Cards Mean In A Reading?

When reading Tarot cards, if you identify a card of the suit of Pentacles, its meaning will be associated with the material aspects of life. These include trade, property, work, business, money, and other material possessions. The suit of Pentacles represents realization, prosperity, manifestation, and proof.

Some negative aspects of the suit of Pentacles include greed, being possessive, being overly materialistic, unable to effectively manage your finances, and being too focused on your career to succeed in other aspects of your life. Overall, the suit of Pentacles is a reminder to ground yourself and to adjust your priorities to what is truly important.

It is common in Tarot for the suit of Pentacles to represent the astrological signs of Earth– Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus. In Tarot readings, when you see a Pentacles Court card, its meaning will often relate to a person who is of an earth astrological sign. Generally, the suit of Pentacles finds people who are career-driven, practical, generous, and down to earth. They are typically more someone who enjoys the tangible world. They like to experience the world around them through their senses.

What Does It Mean When A Tarot Reading Is Mostly Pentacles Tarot Cards?

If a Tarot reading is predominantly made up of the suit of Pentacles, that means you are seeking solutions to what are primarily concerns with work and your career, material conflicts, and financial matters.

WANDS: The Meanings Of The Suit Of Wands

The Suit of Wands in Tarot Cards deals with your spirit. They are often associated with inspiration, strength, intuition, original thought, spirituality, and determination. This suit is also associated with the element of Fire. Fire is symbolic of passion, enthusiasm, and energy. Fire is wild, energetic, and unpredictable much like one’s spirit. It can be both destructive or creative. It’s a masculine that reflects your willpower and drive.. In a deck of playing cards, the suit of Wands corresponds to the suit of Clubs.

What Do The Wands Tarot Cards Mean In A Reading?

When reading Tarot cards, if you identify a card of the suit of Wands, its meaning will be associated with spiritual awareness and mirror what is important to you at the core of yourself.

The suit of Wands represents your ego, personality, self-concept, and enthusiasm. It reflects these aspects of your being in both the external and internal sense of being. Some negative aspects of the Suit of Wands include egotistical behavior, feeling meaningless, a lack of direction, and impulsiveness. Overall, the suit of Wands represents what makes you an individual.

It is common in Tarot for the suit of Wands to represent the astrological signs of Fire– Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo. In Tarot readings, when you see a Wands Court card, its meaning will often relate to a person who is of a fire astrological sign. Generally, the Suit of Wands finds people who are warm, charismatic, spiritual, and energetic.

What Does It Mean When A Tarot Reading Is Mostly Wands Tarot Cards?

If a Tarot reading is predominantly made up of the suit of Wands, that means you are seeking solutions to what are primarily issues based on thoughts. It may feel as though you are seeking some sort of purpose and want to further understand what motivates you as an individual.

Misha Thompson is a freelance writer who enjoys investigating and writing about obscure topics. While this work is being provided to and published by Louisiana Ladies Media, LLC all Copyrights are retained by the author.

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