Published On: January 21, 2024819 words4.1 min read

Have a New Opportunity Mindset

Considering pursuing a new job, career, personal or business opportunity? You should get ready to step outside your comfort zone, push beyond the familiar, and change routine aspects of your life. Now is the time to have a new opportunities mindset.

Depending on how familiar you are with your interest or pursuit, taking on a new challenge may mean you will have to get comfortable with embracing uncertainty. This new endeavor could have you facing unfamiliar circumstances, and you may need to deliberately engage in activities that may feel challenging.

It’s important to note that stepping out of your comfort zone doesn’t mean you need to take extreme risks and are not competing with anyone. One of the best things about pursuing something new is that you are in control for the most part, and the steps you take can be a gradual process. Setting your own pace allows you to stretch your boundaries, try new things, and become more comfortable with the unfamiliar.

The key is to embrace growth, challenge yourself, and recognize that meaningful personal development often happens when we pursue positive change personally or professionally. Three easy steps to create a mindset that welcomes and actively looks for new opportunities are:

Think Like a Learner:

As you begin to get ready for new opportunities, think about growing your abilities and increasing your knowledge. Rather than seeing challenges as big problems, think of them as chances to learn and improve at performing a task or using a skill.

To grow your abilities and increase your knowledge:

  • See challenges as ways to learn new things.
  • When things don’t go as planned, use it as a chance to learn.
  • Ask for feedback so you will know how you can improve.
  • Continue to learn new things and improve upon existing skills.

Thinking like a learner helps you to continually grow and improve, making it easier to grab opportunities when they come your way.

Be Curious and Open-minded:

Being curious means you’re open to and want to learn about new things. When you’re open-minded, you’re willing to think about different ideas and possibilities. Curiosity and open-mindedness help you let go of old ideas and make room for new ones.

To be more curious and open-minded:

  • Try to understand how other people see things.
  • Question what you think you know and be open to new ideas.
  • Explore new interests or hobbies.
  • Keep asking questions and try to learn new things.

Being curious and open-minded helps you see new opportunities that you might not have noticed before.

Be Proactive

Being proactive means you’re taking charge and doing things on your own. Now is not the time to wait for things to happen; make them happen. Set clear goals, plan how to reach them, and take steps to create that thing, get that job, or open that business. Being proactive means you’re in control and making positive changes.

To be more proactive:

  • Set clear goals for things you want to achieve.
  • Break big goals into smaller steps.
  • Take the lead in meeting new people and making connections.
  • Look for opportunities that match your goals and go after them.

Being proactive helps you take control of your life and go after the changes you need or want.

You’re Not Alone

One great thing about pursuing something new is that you are not alone. Women seek and reach goals every day. They can be found on campuses, in creative circles, in local groups, and online.

Depending on where they are in their journey, these women can walk beside you, point you in the right direction, and be the sounding board you need as you pursue your goals. But where to find them? You can begin to explore:

  • Campuses
  • Hobby & Creative Circles
  • Local Interest Groups
  • Online Groups

Remember how you think today will shape the opportunities you find and get in the future. Thinking like a learner, being curious and open-minded, taking charge of your actions, and surrounding yourself with people pursuing and reaching goals will help you to be ready when the things you want in and for your life come your way.

Finally, if you need a little inspiration, the essence of three motivational quotes (shared below) urges us to step boldly beyond the limits of our comfort zones. Through their empowering words, Geraldine Ferraro, Nikita Gill, and Calamity Jane inspire us to embrace the unknown, cultivate empowering relationships, and fearlessly pursue legendary aspirations.

“Never be afraid to try something new, because life gets boring when you stay within the limits of what you already know.” – Geraldine Ferraro.

“Fill your life with women that empower you, that help you believe in your magic and aid them to believe in their own exceptional power and their incredible magic too.” – Nikita Gill

“I figure, if a girl wants to be a legend, she should go ahead and be one.” – Calamity Jane.