Home Alone: Tips for Getting Your House Ready for a Worry-Free Getaway

Tips for Getting Your House Ready for a Worry-Free Getaway

Hello Summer Vacation! Well, almost. First, we have to make sure everything at home is taken care of before we can leave. Why? Because if we don’t, chances are we’re going to spend time worrying about the sink that drips or the stacks of mail just sitting in the box instead of relaxing. Nobody wants that!

Taking time now to ensure your house is ready for some alone time – is well spent. So, let’s cover a few basic but important things that need to be taken care of and things to do so we can enjoy a worry-free getaway.

Keep the Secret Safe

Going on vacation is a little bit like winning the lottery. You’re excited and want to tell everyone, but you probably shouldn’t. Now is a good time to share your excitement and plans with those close to you, but you don’t need to broadcast your absence on social media or in public places.

Family, Friends, and Trusted Neighbors

Some of us are lucky enough to have family and trusted friends as neighbors. Be sure to ask them to keep an eye on your place, get the mail, water the plants on the porch, or contact you in the event of an emergency and offer to return the favor the next time they go out of town.

Lights, Camera, Automation

Okay, so you’ve been low-key about your plans, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take some precautions to keep your home safe while you’re away.

If you have an alarm system, be sure to double-check settings and verify everything is working as it should. You can also invest in automatic timers for indoor and outdoor lights and schedule them to turn on and off at different times. Having motion sensor lights outside will put anyone, or anything, walking near your home at night in the spotlight for others to see.

Considering video options? There are plenty of doorbell and camera options to choose from, including Trail Cams. That’s right… Welcome to Sportman’s Paradise.

Lock It Up & Double-Check

Before you leave, double-check that all of the windows, doors, and other access points are securely locked.

No Time for Plumbing

If you’re going to have plumbing problems, you don’t want them to happen while you’re away. Before you leave is a good time to shut off the main water supply or individual valves to appliances like washing machines and dishwashers.

Eat the Leftovers & Empty the Fridge

If there is ever a time that feels chaotic, it’s before vacation. You’re busy getting the house ready for your departure, packing for yourself and possibly others, verifying travel plans, and a dozen other things. Cleaning out the fridge is probably on your to-do list, but hopefully, cooking is not. Now is the time to re-enjoy a previously cooked meal (or two) and consume drinks and snacks that might go bad while you’re away.

About the Pets

We can’t always take our pet(s) along with us, but we can reach out to a family member, friend, trusted pet sitter, or reputable boarding facility to make sure your pet is well cared for while you’re away.

Enjoy Your Time Away

Now that you’ve taken care of all of the things,  it’s time to take a step back and focus on relaxing, exploring, and creating wonderful memories on your well-deserved vacation.

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