Published On: August 4, 2023855 words4.3 min read

What Makes a Woman Beautiful

Beauty, and all the topic encompasses, has been a fascinating topic for centuries and it is not surprising that the perception of beauty varies depending on who you ask. This made us wonder what the women in our community would have to say if asked ‘What makes a woman beautiful,’ so we decided to find out.

When the answers began to come in, we noted that not one of the responses mentioned make-up, hair, weight, or anything that had to do with a woman’s physical appearance. Instead, we read responses that spoke of a woman’s confidence, kindness, demeanor, wisdom, and compassion.

Then we decided to dig a little deeper into some of the characteristics and attributes these ladies found to be reflections of the beauty of a woman.

Before we get there, we want to say that taking care of ourselves, using cosmetics, and choosing hairstyles and products is something we do almost every day. We do them because we enjoy them and find personal benefits from our preferred products and practices. We understand that our beauty is not limited to the image we see when we look into the mirror – but that does not mean we cannot enjoy the results of discovering and trying ‘beauty’ products and services available to us.

Ladies in our community are great about sharing their thoughts and opinions, and their responses indicated they admire and appreciate characteristics and traits that reflect the beauty of a person, including:

Confidence and Self-Acceptance

We believe confidence and self-acceptance are two of the most captivating and powerful characteristics a woman can have. When you meet a confident woman, a woman who really accepts herself, you are in the company of a person who has learned from life experiences. She is a woman who chose to grow through difficult times, and she has spent time with and on herself.

These ladies know being confident has nothing to do with arrogance or seniority and much to do with understanding their worth. She knows she is empowered when she embraces her imperfections and acknowledges her uniqueness.

Kindness and Compassion

Having the ability to empathize with others, show compassion, and offer a helping hand is one of the ways a woman can show warmth and positivity.

Some say true beauty lies in lifting others up and nurturing relationships. It is likely you know many women who fit this description.

Kindness and compassion are qualities that come from having a genuine connection and concern for others. Women with these qualities are women to respect and value. It is likely that these women have many life experiences that have given them an understanding of what others are going through. You are a lucky person if you have a kind and compassionate woman you can talk to as you sort through life challenges and choices.

Curiosity and Intelligence

Does a woman’s beauty extend to her mind and soul? We think so! Intellectual curiosity, a thirst for knowledge, and a desire to grow and learn are all traits that add to the ability and spirit of a woman.

Having a thirst for knowledge and a love for learning demonstrate an active and engaged mind. When you are pursuing opportunities to expand your horizons, challenge your beliefs, and engage in meaningful conversations you are experiencing the beauty of personal growth.

An emotionally intelligence woman understands and manages her emotions, a strength that allows her to create deeper connections and enjoy harmony in her relationships.

Strength and Resilience

Women who have faced and overcome personal challenges have a special kind of beauty that can only be earned. Having the strength to make it through, and even rise above, in challenging times is a prime example of her inner beauty.

Learning, growing, and thriving in the face of obstacles and challenges in life may mean she carries scars, many of which you cannot see, these are reminders of her strength and resilience.

It is through struggles and hardships that a woman’s true strength is revealed, and her ability to endure and adapt contributes to her beauty.

Passion and Ambition

Beautiful is the woman who pursues her passions and dreams! Ambition, coupled with a drive to make a positive change for herself and those she cares for, elevates a woman’s beauty to a higher space. When she is enthusiastic about her pursuits her enthusiasm can become contagious and inspire others to follow their dreams as well.

Sense of Humor and Playfulness

A woman who can laugh at herself and find humor in everyday situations lightens the atmosphere and mood for her and those nearby. A genuine laugh is not only a stress reliever but also a reflection of her ability to find joy in the little things, and that is beautiful!

Embracing and celebrating all the elements that make a woman beautiful is important. When we do this, we empower women to embrace their individuality and to recognize and appreciate their inner beauty.

So, if someone asks, ‘What makes a woman beautiful?’ we happily answer with a confident Everything About Her!