Published On: August 1, 20231228 words6.2 min read
This post is sponsored by AEG Insurance

Amy Galliano: AEG Insurance Founder

Photo by Amy Cherie Photography / Courtesy of Amy Galliano

Counting on professionals who can provide us with the information we need to make decisions is something we do every day. This is especially true when it comes to finances, insurance, and planning for the future.

So, when we had the opportunity to ask Amy Galliano a few questions we wasted no time in putting together a handful of questions for this respected industry professional. We’re sharing our questions and her answers with you below.

Louisiana Ladies – Hi Amy, thank you for joining us today. Please take a moment to introduce yourself and let our readers know what area of Louisiana you’re in and what you do.

Amy Galliano – Thank you so much for this opportunity to speak with your readers. I really enjoy your magazine and social media posts. I live in New Orleans but work with clients in Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi. I provide individuals, families, and small business owners with guidance on their health, life, and disability insurance needs.

Louisiana Ladies – You’ve been in the health insurance industry for more than a decade, why did you choose this industry and how have you grown professionally?

Amy Galliano – It has definitely changed over the last 15 years. When I started, we still had paper applications and long processing times. Today, most all of the applications are online. I would say my technical skills have improved as a result. Social media was fairly new at that time as well. Now it is a major part of marketing efforts and informational campaigns. I have lots of insurance brokers in my family so I have been exposed to this industry for most of my life. My first professional mentors were family members.

Louisiana Ladies – Being in insurance for so many years means you’ve helped a lot of people find answers and solutions. Are there common questions you get when working with a person for the first time?

Amy Galliano – I would say the most common question is- “I do not know where to start.” Most clients are feeling overwhelmed and confused about their options once we speak initially. I like to reassure them that I work with clients in their position all the time and we will figure it out together. Sometimes just knowing that they have me to ask questions about their next step is a stress relief.

Louisiana Ladies – When it comes to insurance, and financial services in general, working with an insurance agent can feel somewhat transactional. Like we’re just another sale. Is there anything you do to make sure your clients don’t feel this way?

Amy Galliano – If I saw every client as just a transaction, I am not sure I would still be in this industry all these years later. Establishing relationships with my clients is one of the best aspects of my career. After years with the same client, I really get to know them beyond their insurance needs. Clients call me with all kinds of questions not always insurance-related. If I can serve as a resource, I feel like I have done a good job. It is also how I managed to build a business that is referral-based rather than running lots of advertising and having to rely on leads.

Louisiana Ladies – Our next question comes from something you shared in one of our conversations. You said, “Life insurance is more than just financial – it’s really love insurance”, and that really hit home. Can you expand on that?

Amy Galliano – It really is. I wish more people understood this. So many people hear life insurance and automatically think their beneficiary is going to jet off to some island and be on permanent vacation. That is not the purpose of life insurance. I use myself as an example. If something happened to me, I would not want my husband or children’s lives to change at all. I want them to continue to live in our house, attend the same schools, participate in all their activities, and continue with their dreams.

With my life insurance proceeds, their lives do not have to change. They can concentrate on grieving me (hopefully) and figuring out life without me. Their worry does not need to be how the bills are going to be paid. It is comforting to know that even without me around- their lives can flourish. Now who will wash the dishes without me around is another concern.

Louisiana Ladies – We’ve been seeing information about ‘Medicaid Unwinding’ in the news and this has really been a hot topic lately with the Louisiana Department of Health. Do you have any insights you can share about this? What should we know if we received Medicaid during the pandemic?

Amy Galliano – Yes- thank you for asking about this. The unwinding began earlier this year and is a major concern. When clients ask about this, my recommendation is to make sure that the Medicaid portal has accurate and updated contact information for them and to respond to any inquiries in a timely manner. Medicaid generally sends a letter about their coverage renewal so having the correct contact information is very important.

It is not unusual for a client to learn that they have lost their benefits while at the doctor’s office or trying to fill a prescription. I have had clients call me in tears after bringing their sick child to the pediatrician to learn that they do not have any coverage. I hate for that to happen to anyone. If a reader has lost their Medicaid coverage, they can contact me anytime. I am happy to walk them through their next steps.

Louisiana Ladies – Personally speaking, what would you say has been the most rewarding and most challenging thing about being a woman in business?

Amy Galliano – When I hear the relief in their voice after the application is submitted and processed, that is enough for me. One of the best compliments that a client can say to me is- “you made this so much simpler for me.” That is all that I need to hear. 

I suspect the challenges are similar to any other small business owner. The balance between communicating with clients and vendors, marketing strategies and just keeping business moving along is not always easy. I find having a good calendar and task system really helps. A strong cup of coffee in the morning doesn’t hurt either.

Louisiana Ladies – And our last question, what are three things can you share with women who may be considering a career in the insurance industry?

Amy Galliano – I love this question.

  • Listen to the client. Know their areas of concern.
  • Be respectful of your clients’ time and information. Be on time for calls and meetings and keep their information secure.
  • Stay organized- establish a record-keeping system and stick with it. It will become second nature in time.

Louisiana Ladies – We thank you Amy for answering our questions.

If you would like to learn more about Amy, her agency, and how she serves people in Louisiana, you can visit her website at or connect on the social media networks linked below.