Published On: July 9, 20232069 words10.4 min read

Meet Erica Ise

Louisiana Actress & Ambassador

If you’ve ever been scrolling through social media and landed on a profile that, for some reason, caught your attention you will understand our modern introduction to Erica Ise. She took us along as she shared her journey as an actor in commercials, television, and film. Getting a glimpse into this woman’s experience in the Louisiana entertainment industry soon became a treat that we enjoyed and looked forward to.

As you can imagine, we began to wonder what made her want to become an actor. How did she get started? What was her first role? What will she remember most about working with Will Smith in Emancipation? Much to our delight, the opportunity to get answers to our wonderings and questions presented itself, and we started a list of things we’d like to know about Erica and what she does. We share those now with you, below.

Louisiana Ladies – Hi Erica, thank you for joining us today. Can you introduce yourself to our audience?

Erica Ise – Hello, Hello everyone. I’m so excited and honored to be asked to discuss my journey in acting. It’s been one of those things you wanted to do, dreamed about doing, and hoped that it could be a real thing in your life. Well, it has been for me and while I’m not a Beyoncé star, I am having wonderful experiences learning my craft, working with amazing people and enjoying being on set and on the big screen.

And, by the way, Beyoncé is super nice to work with, along with Will Smith and so many other stars I have met. To them, I say, as a Louisiana Actress and Ambassador, continue to come to Louisiana and film.

Louisiana Ladies – As people get to know more about you, they’ll learn that not only are you a Louisiana Actress, but you’re also a Louisiana Ambassador. What does that mean to you and how does that impact your choice when selecting projects commercial, television, and film projects to be a part of?

Erica Ise – Thanks for recognizing me as being a Louisiana Ambassador. I spoke a bit about it in the last question. For me, to know Louisiana is to know about a style of culture with so many different types of people, foods, music, and events. Louisiana is a great place to explore and experience some cool and unique

As an actor, I see many spots where an interesting film could take place. Louisiana’s quaint towns, architectural buildings and historical sites have stories to share or be the background to someone’s story. Louisiana is definitely the Hollywood of the South. So, when I audition for roles to be filmed here, you see my enthusiastic spirit for Louisiana and what it has to offer to the project.

Louisiana Ladies – Being an actor seems glamorous. What do you think people would be most surprised to learn about working on a set?

Erica Ise- There is a glamour to working on set, and I love it! Yet, we put in long hours, much longer than you would think, to bring the story to life on the big screen. The crew behind the camera, all around the set, and in the production offices are the people who keep the “machine running” so we can do our job of
delivering the script. We look good because they are good at their jobs.

Louisiana Ladies – Some of your Instagram posts include a location noted as ‘Erica’s Acting Spot’. Can you tell us more about that space and how it helps you as you prepare for auditions and roles?

Erica Ise – Erica’s Acting Spot is my personal acting and film studio where I can do my self-auditions, my zoom callbacks, take still photos, or practice my acting skills. It’s good to have somewhere already set up and ready to work. It’s decorated with film memorabilia and posters from the Louisiana Film Archives.

Louisiana Ladies – In one of your Instagram posts you talked about working with a film student at Loyola University in New Orleans. Why do you think working with students is important?

Erica Ise – Being an actor is considered a dream job and it can feel that way, unobtainable. I want our youth to pursue their dreams, no matter what it is. Working
with students who who want to be in the film industry is one way I can help by sharing my experiences and challenges in the industry.

Louisiana Ladies – You’re known for a variety of roles and there’s a few movies we’d like to get your input on, beginning with Emancipation starring Will Smith. Can you tell us about your role and your experience with being a part of this film project?

Erica Ise – People think that if you are an actor, all roles have to be big. As a working actor you definitely work towards getting bigger roles, but even the smaller ones can have an impact on you, for the scene and the film overall. My small role in Emancipation was like this. Working with Will Smith and Director Antoine Fuqua was incredible. They were dedicated to telling the story and working with the actors so we were able to be the voices and faces of the story.

My role was an indentured house servant who was shot and was laying in the entry way dead as Will’s role entered the house. I was the first person he saw upon entry looking straight into my eyes knowing that I was dead he looked up and became startled by his own image in a mirror. Small role, but impactful to making the scene. The experience overall was impactful for me because of the subject matter. I felt that we honored the story by retelling it.

Louisiana Ladies – You’re also in We Have a Ghost, which is on Netflix. Which tells us you’re versatile when it comes to the roles you accept and play. How do you prepare for different roles?

Erica Ise – As an actor I feel that I get to live all kinds of dream jobs, ie the role of a doctor, lawyer, police officer, etc. and be so many different types of personalities. That includes being a little bit crazy, eccentric on purpose, ie “We Have a Ghost.” I think part of my preparation stems from the fact that I am an avid reader of versatile material.

When you read stories, you can become transformed into a completely different mindset. I take that mindset and turn it into an action that others can see. When I read a script or a scene for a role, I apply that technique as one of the ways I would see the role. I’m a pretty serious and professional type of person at first glance, but underneath that, I find myself to be a funny and sassy woman and I want to be able to showcase it all in my acting.

Louisiana Ladies – Before becoming an actor we read you were an award-winning journalist in New York City. What, if anything, would you say your experience in
journalism helps you now as an actor?

Erica Ise – Both jobs are about telling a story to a large audience. In journalism, they are primarily non-fiction, although funny antidotes are added ever so often. Both jobs take extensive research whether for the subject matter or role. With acting, the performance factor is enhanced based on the role. I consider them both dream-type jobs and am glad I get to continue to do the cool, dreamy jobs. And, FYI, my first job in journalism was right here in Louisiana.

Louisiana Ladies – What advice would you give to someone who is considering changing their career and becoming an actor?

Erica Ise – There are so many factors to think about when wanting to become an actor. You have to know who and where you are in life to pursue acting because it
would be challenging to just say I want to be an actor. Have you done any type of acting before? Are you willing to take classes to learn how to act? Are you willing to
practice regularly?

If acting is a dream you are passionate about pursuing, I would advise that person to look to your community and find a theatre and start there. As an actor, having a community of people doing the same thing helps you to grow in your craft. So yeah, go ahead! Dream big and “break a leg.”

Louisiana Ladies – Finally, is there a quote, a practice, or a routine that motivates you and helps you stay focused on reaching your goals?

Erica Ise – As with any job, finding a good balance with work and life is important. As a Christian actor, I rely on daily prayer and meditation to keep me at peace. “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” As extroverted as acting may seem, I enjoy my quiet times to keep me focused. At times, a nice walk or drive allows for me to get the ideas needed to attain a new goal.

Thank you so much for having me as one of your Louisiana Ladies.

Update: With so much happening within the film industry, we reached out to Eric for an update after our interview with her in February and appreciate her sharing her time and thoughts with us, share below.

Louisiana Ladies – What’s new for you with acting?

Erica Ise – What’s new for me is what’s happening for everyone. There’s going to be a big shift for actors and every job associated with the film industry since the newly announced strike by SAG-AFTRA. It’s been a soul-searching year so far for me and for where I can use my acting talents and skills. The number of acting jobs have been reduced, but it hasn’t stopped me from preparing for that next audition and role.

Louisiana Ladies – How are you preparing for new roles and how can others?

Erica Ise – The key word is practice, but I’m not looking for perfection. I’m practicing to improve my skill, enjoy the process and my performance. Others can practice by doing readings with other actors, by taking classes, etc. There are many local places that offer classes and that type of camaraderie may just be what’s needed right now.

Louisiana Ladies –  I hear you have a birthday this month. Are you doing anything special?

Erica Ise – Birthdays are pretty special to me. I consider them the start of a new year for me.  As far as celebrating, I tend to do many things throughout the month to celebrate with family and friends. I’m a busy mom as well, so I’m not able to see everyone often. My birthday month gives me that opportunity.

Louisiana Ladies –  What are the challenges you face as being a mother and a working actor?

Erica Ise – Probably the same challenges that most parents have who work. Acting hours, however, can be longer and not as consistent at times, which can be frustrating for the family.

Happily, though, I have a daughter who enjoys acting as well and understands the demands. She’s a big supporter of me living my acting dream and I sometimes rehearse with her. The acting bug is in the family.

Louisiana Ladies – Love that it’s in the family. Thanks for updating us about your  acting and telling us a little more about you. Any final thoughts?

Erica Ise – Yes, thank you for being a promoter of Louisiana as I am. With all the changes happening in the film industry here in Louisiana and around the US, I say to my fellow actors, stay strong through this shift in the industry.

As for me, even with the changes in my acting work and the industry itself, I’m looking forward to new and exciting performances with the hope of a script that may be on the horizon. More details to come about that in the future.

We found Erica on Instagram, you can too! Click here.