Published On: August 4, 2024677 words3.5 min read

Meet Mixon Brown

A Poetic Soul of Louisiana

When you meet Mixon Brown, her personal style and radiant smile immediately captivate you. However, getting to know her reveals that these features reflect something more profound. Mixon is a woman who is unapologetically herself, finding freedom in expressing her individuality. Her welcoming smile and acceptance of others are testaments to her authenticity, and these qualities are just the beginning of what makes her so remarkable.

Mixon is also a talented artist, particularly in the realm of poetry. Her words flow effortlessly, creating poetic rhythms and rhymes that resonate deeply with her audience. The impact of her poetry is magnified when she delivers it in public readings, where her powerful delivery adds a new dimension to her written words.
I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Mixon about her poetry and creative process. Here are her insights:



Louisiana Ladies: How long have you been writing poetry?
Mixon Brown: I have been writing poetry since kindergarten! I submitted a poem that won a prize in my kindergarten year, around 1995.

Louisiana Ladies: What inspires you to create or write?
Mixon Brown: When I was younger, I wrote to express hurt and pain. But without the pain I experienced, I would have never felt love to the depth I have. So, Love. Love Inspires me.

Louisiana Ladies: Do the words come easy for you?
Mixon Brown: They do! They just flow when they come. My poetry spoken aloud tends to come off much differently than simple words on paper.

Louisiana Ladies: What do you read for inspiration?
Mixon Brown: To be honest, I do not read much. I do read my Bible but hardly have time to sit and read anything.

Louisiana Ladies: Your writings have a lyrical quality to them, especially when delivered aloud. Does music inspire you, and if so, how?
Mixon Brown: Music does not tend to inspire me much. I love music, do not get me wrong, but my inspiration comes mostly from past experiences in life, whether good or bad.

Louisiana Ladies: When do you feel the most creative?
Mixon Brown: This may sound strange, but I feel the most creative when I am hurt or when I am curious.

Louisiana Ladies: When you read your poetry, you notice a distinct cadence and timbre that gives your writing a unique perspective and feel. What are your thoughts on poetic readings as an art form?
Mixon Brown: I feel like it is a beautiful art form. Standing and reading words that an individual puts together is very vulnerable. There is much beauty in vulnerability.

Louisiana Ladies: Do you think people have a preconceived idea of what to expect when they learn you are a Christian writer and artist?
Mixon Brown: I guess that would depend on the person. Faith requires an open mind, and if your mind is closed… well, then.

Louisiana Ladies: How can people connect with you and learn more about your work?
Mixon Brown: Unfortunately, I do not have a platform yet. I am tech-savvy; however, when I write, it is pen to paper, and I do not put it out there too often. Someday, I will.

Louisiana Ladies: You have been creating for a long time; do you think you would ever want your work published?
Mixon Brown: I would love to have my work published someday—today, if possible—lol. Being a published writer is actually my lifelong dream.

It is a true pleasure to introduce Mixon Brown to you. Her artistic talent and heartfelt poetry offer a glimpse into her soul, and we are honored to share one of her poems with you. We hope you have enjoyed this introduction to Mixon, and we will keep in touch and share updates on where to access her work in the future. Until then, stay tuned for more inspiring stories from remarkable women in our community.

Ace, Mixon Brown’s poem, is provided by Mixon Brown for use in this publication. The author retains all rights.

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