We Asked Ladies About Roses

We asked Ladies About Roses

We asked a group of ladies to share their favorite color of roses with us, and the results were a wonderful and diverse collection of colors and reasons for why. Before we share the results, we want to thank the more than 100 women who responded. You made this Q&A so much fun!

Now, let’s get started with the results – beginning with the surprise hit, Yellow! This bright and cheerful color made it to the number one spot, having had the most votes. Yellow roses are a great choice when you want to say “Congrats!” on an accomplishment or as a way to say “I think you’re pretty great!”

Coming in at a close second was the classic and timeless Red rose, considered one of the most popular selections when the giver has love and romance in mind. Next, we have Pink! Pink roses are sweet, delicate, and perfect for showing appreciation and affection. Pick a bunch up for yourself the next time you need a little pick-me-up!

Coming in fourth was the “All Colors” response as their favorite. We can’t help but picture a well-loved rose garden with a rainbow of colors to enjoy. Which, by the way, was one of the replies! (A rainbow rose, that is.)

Peach and white roses got several votes too. Peach roses make for a fresh alternative when sent as a “thank you.” White roses are classic and elegant, which is why they’re often used for weddings and other formal occasions.

Orange roses? Yes, they got several votes, and if you’re looking for a stand-out, attention-getting statement rose, this is one color that should be on your list! We had a few ladies who chose unique roses like the peace, talisman, and even the rainbow rose! These are not your everyday colors, but they’re certainly eye-catching and memorable.

We enjoyed all of the responses, and connecting with the ladies who took the time to share their choices with us was a pleasure and a treat. Roses come in so many wonderful colors, and much like the ladies who took the time to share their favorites with us, each one is beautiful and unique. That’s a pretty great thing to be!

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